About us

ZJU-Hangzhou Global Scientific and Technological Innovation Center, a platform co-founded by Zhejiang University and Hangzhou City in China’s new era, aims at deepening the strategic cooperation between a well-developed city and a top university. Endeavoring to be a world-class center leading future top sci-tech innovations, research missions and large-scale sci-tech infrastructures, the Center hopes to create a number of world-class basic discipline groups, an array of research infrastructures, a galaxy of scientists and innovation teams, a range of universal technology achievements of impact, innovative industrial clusters with world competitiveness, as well as a sound mechanism conducive to basic research, applied research and industrial development.


One Ecosystem

    To create a regional innovation ecosystem with synergistic innovation subjects, concentrated innovation resources, effective application of innovation results, flexible innovation system, and the best environment for invention, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

Two Innovative Systems
  • Scie-Tech Innovative System
  • Industrial Innovative System
Three Talent Programs
  • Elite Talent Support Program
  • Top-notch Talent Enhancement Program
  • Youth Talent Excellence Program
Four Platforms
  • Center of Excellence
  • R & D Center
  • Incubation Center
  • Industry Center
Five Research Fields
  • Micro and Nano Smart Manufacturing
  • Functional Materials
  • Micro and Nano Electronic Information
  • Synthetic Biology
  • Eco-environment Protection

Mission & Vision

Addressing Chinese national strategies, regional development and global research frontiers, ZJU-Hangzhou Global Science and Technology Innovation Center is aimed at the innovation in frontier research, technology development and findings application, the convergence and cross-border integration of multidisciplinary fields, as well as the construction of innovation bases and industrial highlands with leading roles. It is expected that the Center will become a global top sci-tech innovation center with world-class level and future development, a significant innovation pole for the high-quality development of the Yangtze River Delta, an important source of knowledge and technological innovation in China, a magnet for top scholars and high-calibre talents worldwide, and a pilot area for sci-tech and talent mechanism innovation reforms, making Hangzhou and the Greater Bay Area of Zhejiang Province to be a habitat of top technology industries as attractive as Boston + Silicon Valley.

Highlighting the convergence and integration of material science, information science and life science, the Center is endeavored to constructing a number of cutting-edge technology platforms to tackle industrial challenges, to attract a galaxy of scientists specialized at industry-academia-research synergy, to leverage a cohort of entrepreneurs with cutting-edge technology and core technology-oriented investors, to build a new type of campus for talent cultivation, cutting-edge technology and social services, to enhance an open sci-tech zone for research findings application, technology trading and industrial investment as well as an innovation zone of excellence for innovations in technology, industry and institution.