

  姚远 求是科创学者



        研究方向: 基于数据驱动的生物活性物质合成







姚远博士,2008年本科毕业于南京农业大学国家理科基地班,2009-2012在加州大学河滨分校(UC-Riverside)以及Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy药学院完成研究生学习,取得博士学位。2012-2015年在 Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy药学院和加州大学戴维斯分校(UC-Davis)等机构从事博士后科学研究。2015-2020年加入上海科技大学物质科学与技术学院,担任实验室负责人Co-PI,副研究员。

近年来,Chemical Reviews, Science, Advanced Functional Materials, Nature Communications, Nano Research, Applied Materials Today, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Nanoscale等国际知名期刊发表SCI论文40余篇,其中以通讯作者或第一作者发表论文30余篇,专利多项。主持中央军委科技委,国家自然基金委,中国科学院,校企联合项目等多项科研基金。此外,担任多项国际知名期刊的审稿人。姚远博士长期从事基于数据驱动的新型生物活性物质的合成,应用于原代细胞扩增,生物人工器官的合成等。


  上海科技大学无机材料物理化学, 2014-2017,研究生课程4学分, 64学时(承担64学时),授课教师。

  美国太平洋大学(University of the Pacific,USA)工程技术导论,2012.9-2013.1,研究生课程,2学分, 32学时(承担8学时),助教。 

  教学相关论文:Seal, Craig R.; Hargis, Jace; Killick, Lara; McNair, Delores E.; Sablynski, Chris J.; Henghu Sun; Kitchen, Darrin; Carbonatto, Gina; Yuan Yao. Celebrate Teaching and Learning: A SoTL Symposium at the University of the Pacific. MountainRise.Spring 2013, Vol. 8 Issue 1, p1-11. 11p. 3 Graphs.


1.   浙江省“西湖明珠工程”计划,2022-2025,在研,主持。

2.  中国计算机学会-之江实验室“智海计划”联合创新基金,基于数据驱动的新型双碱基RNA编辑器的构建,2022-2023,在研,主持。

3.   江苏吴中医药-浙大科创中心,联合实验室项目,2022-2025,在研,主持。

4.   江苏吴中医药,可编程化蛋白设计与合成,2022-2023,在研,主持。

5.   国家自然基金委,面上项目,32071347,基于自组装蛋白纤维的原代肝细胞扩增微环境,2021- 2024,在研,主持。

6.   浙江大学杭州国际科创中心,“百人计划”,2021-2027,在研,主持。

7.   浙江大学杭州国际科创中心,“青年人才卓越计划”,2021-2024,在研,主持。

8.   中央军委科技委,国防科技创新特区项目,XX-XXX-XXX2018-2021,结题,主 持。

9.   中央军委科技委,国防科技创新特区项目,XX-XXX-XXX2017-2018,结题,主持。

10.  中国科学院-上海科技大学, 3D打印生物墨水(bioink) 2015-2019,结题,主参。

11.  上海科技大学,生物纳米纤维的设计与合成,2015-2020,结题,主参。

12.  中国黄金集团,企业横向项目,2015-2016,结题,主参。

13.  美国能源部(DOE),EE-2F探索项目, EE00034962010-2012,结题,主参。

14.  美国Rogers集团,横向项目,Silica-alumina based cementitious material2008.01-2012.12,结题,主参。


1.      浙江省杭州市高层次人才,浙江省杭州市,2022

2.      西湖明珠工程高层次科技创新人才计划,浙江省杭州市,2022

3.      智海计划,中国计算机学会,2022

4.      求是科创学者,浙江大学杭州国际科创中心,2021

5.      百人计划,浙江大学杭州国际科创中心,2021

6.      青年人才卓越计划,浙江大学杭州国际科创中心,2021

7.      优秀员工,浙江大学杭州国际科创中心,2021

8.      年度优秀奖,上海科技大学,2015, 2016

9.      “Provost’s Fellowship Award”University of the Pacific, USA, 2012

10.   “Dean’s Fellowship”University of the Pacific, USA, 200920102011

11.   “Dean’s Distinguished Fellowship, University of California-Riverside, 2008

12.   国家三好学生单项奖学金,南京农业大学,2007

13.   国家理科基地二等奖学金,南京农业大学,2006

14.   国家三好学生二等奖学金,南京农业大学,2005


1. G Li, X Zhu, Y Wang, H Ma, Y Wang, H Wu, X Li , Y Wang, J Gao , X Chen , Xingxu Huang, Y,Yao*, X,Hu* Transcription-wide impact by RESCUE-induced off-target single nucleotide variants in mammalian cell, Journal of Molecular Cell Biology 2023 (In Revision, R2)

2.  N Kong,H Ma,Z Pu,F Wan,D Li, L Huang, J Lian, X Huang, S Ling,* H Yu,* Y Yao* . De novo design and synthesis of polypeptide immunomodulators for resetting macrophage polarization. BioDesign Research 2023, DOI: 10.34133/bdr.0006

3.  G. Li, Y. Cheng, Y. Li, H. Ma, Z. Pu, S. Li, Y. Zhao, X. Huang, Y. Yao*, A novel base editor SpRY-ABE8eF148A mediates efficient A-to-G base editing with a reduced off-target effect, Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids 2023, 31, 78-87.(Cover Story)

4.  X Li, G Zhang, S Huang, Y Liu, Jin Tang, M Zhong, X Wang, W Sun, Y Yao, Q Ji, X Wang, J Liu, S Zhu*, X. Huang*. Development of a versatile nuclease prime editor with upgraded precision. Nature Communications 2023, 14, 305.

5.  Y. Zhang, S. Ye, L. Cao, Z. Lv, J. Ren, Z. Shao, Y. Yao*, S. Ling*, Natural Silk Spinning-Inspired Meso-Assembly-Processing Engineering Strategy for Fabricating Soft Tissue-Mimicking Biomaterials, Advanced Functional Materials 2022, 2200267.

6.  G. Zhang, Y. Liu, S. Huang, S. Qu, D. Cheng, Y. Yao, Q. Ji, X. Wang*, X. Huang*, J. Liu*, Enhancement of prime editing via xrRNA motif-joined pegRNA, Nature Communications 2022, 13(1) 1856.

7.  X. Li, X. Wang, W. Sun, S. Huang, M. Zhong, Y. Yao, Q. Ji, X. Huang*, Enhancing prime editing efficiency by modified pegRNA with RNA G-quadruplexes, Journal of Molecular Cell Biology 2022, mjac022.

8. Dai, J.; Yao, Y*., Adaptive ordering and filament polymerization of cell cytoskeleton by tunable nanoarrays. Nano Research 2021, 14, 620627.

9. Xu, Q.; Pei, Y.; Ren, J.; Kong, N.; Wang, Y.; Li, Y.; Yao, Y*.; Kaplan, D*.; Ling, S*. Biomimetic design for bio-matrix interfaces and regenerative organs. Tissue Engineering: Part B-Reviews 2021.27(5),411-429.

10. Dai, J.; Lu, Y.; He, X.; Zhong, C.; Lin, B.;Ling, S.; Gong, J.;Yao, Y*.,Vertical nanopillar induces deformation of cancer cell and alteration of ATF3 expression. Applied Materials Today 2020, 20. 100753.

11. Kong, N.; Wan, F.; Dai, W.; Lu, Y.; Cheng, P.; Dai, J.; Li, Y.-y.; Gong, J.; Ling, S.; Yao, Y*., Bioinspired polypeptide as building blocks for multifunctional material design. Applied Materials Today 2020, 20. 100683.

12.  Dai, J.; Gong, J.; Kong, N.; Yao, Y*., Cellular architecture response to aspect ratio tunable nanoarrays. Nanoscale 2020, 12, 12395-12404.

13. Wang, Y.;Gong, J.; Yao, Y*., Extracellular nanofiber-orchestrated cytoskeletal reorganization and mediated directional migration of cancer cells. Nanoscale 2020, 12, 3183-3193.

14.  Kong, N.; Wan, F.; Dai, W.; Wu, P.; Su, C.; Peng, C.; Zheng, K.; Chen, X.; Ling, S.;Gong, J.; Yao, Y*., A cuboid spider silk: structure-function relationship and polypeptide signature. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2020, e1900583.

15. Dai, J.; Wang, Y.; Gong, J.; Yao, Y*., Biointerface anisotropy modulates migration of breast cancer cell. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2020, 190. 110973.

16. Wang, Y.; Yao, Y*., Nanofiber alignment mediates the pattern of single cell migration. Langmuir 2020, 36 (8), 2129-213

17.  Lu, Y#.; Dai, W#., Huang, J.; Chen, X*., Yao, Y*., A biomimetic glue protein modulates hepatic gene expression. Macromolecular Bioscience 2020 DOI: 10.1002/mabi.202000303.

18.  Dai, J.;  Wang, Y.;  Wu, D.;  Wan, F.;  Lu, Y.;  Kong, N.;  Li, X.;  Gong, J.;  Ling, S.; Yao, Y*., Biointerface mediates cytoskeletal rearrangement of pancreatic cancer cell and modulates its drug sensitivity. Colloid and Interface Science Communications 2020, 35. 100250.

19. Wang, Y.; Dai, J.; Yao, Y*.,Nanofibers with tailored degree of directional orientation regulate cell movement. Materials Today Communications 2020, 101496.

20. Wu, D.; Ye,C.; Liu,Y.; Ren,J.; Yao,Y.; Ling,S. Light, Strong, and Ductile Architectures Achieved by Silk FiberWelding Processing. ACS Omega 2020, 5, 21, 1195511961.

21. Ren, J#.; Wang, Y#.; Yao, Y#.; Wang, Y.; Fei, X.; Qi, P.; Lin, S.; Kaplan, D. L*.; Buehler, M. J*.; Ling, S*., Biological material interfaces as inspiration for mechanical and optical material designs. Chemical Reviews 2019,119.1227912336. 

22. Cai, J.; Li, C.; Kong, N.; Lu, Y.; Lin, G.; Wang, X.; Yao, Y.; Manners, I*.; Qiu, H*., Tailored multifunctional micellar brushes via crystallization-driven growth from a surface. Science 2019, 366 (6469), 1095-1098. 

23. Shi, M.; Wang, Z.; Ye, X.; Xie, H.; Li, F.; Hu, X.; Wang, Z.; Yin, C.; Zhou, Y.; Gu, Q.; Zou, J.; Zhan, L.; Yao, Y.; Yang, J.; Wei, S.; Hu, R.; Guo, D.; Zhu, J.; Wang, Y.;  Huang, J.; Pennacchio, F.; Strand, M. R.; Chen, X*., The genomes of two parasitic wasps that parasitize the diamondback moth. BMC Genomics 2019, 20 (1), 893.

24. Lu, Y.; Dai, J.; Kong, N.; Liu, J.; Gong, J.; Yao, Y*., Internalization characterization of si nanorod with camouflaged cell membrane proteins reveals ATXN2 as a negative regulator. Cells 2019, 8 (8).

25.  Wang, Y.; Lu, Y.; Gong, J*.; Yao, Y*., Electrospun nanofiber regulates assembly of keratin and vimentin intermediate filaments of PANC-1 pancreatic carcinoma cells. Materials Science and Engineering: C 2019, 96, 616-624.

26. Wang, L.; Zhou, Y.; Dai, J.; Jiang, S.; Lu, Y.; Gong, J*.; Huang, P*.; Yao, Y*., 2-Thiophene ethylamine modified hyaluronic acid with its application on hepatocytes culture. Materials Science and Engineering: C 2018, 88, 157-165.

27.  Li, X.; Yan, S.; Dai, J.; Lu, Y.; Wang, Y.; Sun, M.; Gong, J*.; Yao, Y*., Human lung epithelial cells A549 epithelial-mesenchymal transition induced by PVA/Collagen nanofiber. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 2018, 162, 390-397.

28. Dai, J.; Kong, N.; Lu, Y.; Yuan, Y.; Wu, Q.; Shi, M.; Zhang, S.; Wu, Y.; Peng, W.;  Huang, P.; Chen, X.; Gong, J*.; Yao, Y*., Bioinspired conical micropattern modulates cell behaviors. ACS Applied Bio Materials 2018, 1 (5), 1416-1423.

29.  Yan, S.; Li, X.; Dai, J.; Wang, Y.; Wang, B.; Lu, Y.; Shi, J.; Huang, P.; Gong, J*.; Yao, Y*., Electrospinning of PVA/sericin nanofiber and the effect on epithelial-mesenchymal transition of A549 cells. Materials Science and Engineering: C 2017, 79, 436-444.

30.  Liu, X*.; Zhang, N.; Yao, Y*.; Sun, H.; Feng, H., Micro-structural characterization of the hydration products of bauxite-calcination-method red mud-coal gangue based cementitious materials. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2013, 262, 428-38.

31. Li, Y*.; Yao, Y*.; Liu, X.; Sun, H.; Ni, W., Improvement on pozzolanic reactivity of coal gangue by integrated thermal and chemical activation. Fuel 2013, 109, 527-533. 

32. Yao, Y*.; Li, Y.; Liu, X.; Jiang, S.; Feng, C.; Rafanan, E., Characterization on a cementitious material composed of red mud and coal industry byproducts. Construction and Building Materials 2013, 47, 496-501.

33.  Yao, Y*.; Li, Y.; Liu, X.; Sun, H.; Jiang, S.; Feng, C., Performance and energy calculation on a green cementitious material composed of coal refuse. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 2013, 16 (2), 281-290.

34. Yao, Y*.; Gong, J. K.; Cui, Z., Anti-corrosion performance and microstructure analysis on a marine concrete utilizing coal combustion byproducts and blast furnace slag. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 2013, 16 (3), 545-554.

35.  Feng, C.; Yao, Y*.; Li, Y.; Liu, X.; Sun, H*., Thermal activation on calcium silicate slag from high-alumina fly ash: a technical report. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 2013, 16 (3), 667-672.

36. Y Yao*Z Cui, R Wu., Development and challenges on mining backfill technology. Journal of Materials Science Research 2012 1 (4), 73.

37.  Zhu, K*.; Cui, Z.; Jiang, B.; Yang, G.; Chen, Z.; Meng, Q.; Yao, Y., A DEM-based residual kriging model for estimating groundwater levels within a large-scale domain: a study for the Fuyang River Basin. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 2012, 15 (4), 687-698.

38. Yao, Y.; Sun, H*., A novel silica alumina-based backfill material composed of coal refuse and fly ash. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2012, 213-214, 71-82. 

39. Yao, Y.; Sun, H*., Characterization of a new silica alumina-based backfill material utilizing large quantities of coal combustion byproducts. Fuel 2012, 97, 329-336.

40. Yao, Y.; Sun, H*., Durability and leaching analysis of a cementitious material composed of high volume coal combustion byproducts. Construction and Building Materials 2012, 36, 97-103.

41.  Yao, Y.; Sfun, H*.; Jiang, S.; Zhang, R.; Su, D.; Feng, C.; Han, X., Performance and leaching analysis of a novel coal sludge-based backfill material. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy 2012, 15 (4), 657-666.

42. Shi, M.; Chen, Y. F.; Yao, Y.; Huang, F.; Chen, X. X*., Characterization of a protein tyrosine phosphatase gene CvBV202 from Cotesia vestalis polydnavirus (CvBV). Virus Genes 2008, 36 (3), 595-601. 

43. Qiu, G.; Yao,Y.; Han, Z., Mechanism for imidacloprid resistance in Sitobion avenae. Journal of Nanjing Agricultural University 2008, 31, 67-70.


1.    姚远;马红茹,一种用于精准调控巨噬细胞极化的重组仿生多肽纳米材料以及应用,中国,PCT

2.    姚远;李果;李叶秋,一种精确无PAM限制的腺嘌呤碱基编辑器及其构建方法以及应用,中国,PCT

3.    姚远;周宇乔,一种细胞穿膜肽及其应用,中国,PCT

4.    姚远;程亚仙,肿瘤细胞来源的外泌体在体外促进肿瘤细胞或肿瘤类器官生长中的应用,中国,PCT

5.    姚远;周宇乔,一种细胞穿膜肽及其应用,中国。

6.    林柏霖;郭东亮;陈佳;李潇飒;龚晋慷;姚远;颜杉杉,一种纳米抗菌材料及其制备方法,中国。

7.   林柏霖;郭东亮;龚晋慷;姚远;颜杉杉,能够利用机械应力诱导细菌形貌伸长的材料及制备和应用,中国。

8.    林柏霖;肖彦军;郭东亮;龚晋慷;姚远;颜杉杉,一种细菌培养装置,中国。