

  郎绪业 求是科创学者


        职务:合成生物所 PI







 郎绪业博士,2016年9月毕业于加州大学河滨分校(UC Riverside)生物化学和分子生物学专业,同年11月加入加州大学河滨分校Ian Wheeldon教授团队进行博士后研究,2022年2月加入浙江大学杭州国际科创中心生物与分子智造研究院并入选“科创百人”人才计划。迄今已在Biotechnology for biofuels,Biotechnology and Bioengineering,Metabolic Engineering CommunicationsLangmuir等期刊发表10余篇文章。同时为多个专业期刊提供审稿服务。研究方向主要集中在微生物合成生物学与代谢工程、底盘细胞构建以及基因编辑与调控。主要通过(1)基因编辑与基因调控的方式对代谢通路进行工程化从而得到优质的底盘细胞,提高目的产物产量,使微生物充分发挥细胞工厂的作用;(2)通过CRISPR技术、Biofoundry平台以及人工智能相结合的方法对微生物实现全基因组调控、高通量检测以及对调控基因和调控方式进行预测。


1.Mengwan Li, Xuye Lang, Marcos Moran Cabrera, Sawyer De Keyser, Xiyan Sun, Nancy Da Silva and Ian Wheeldon. CRISPR-mediated multigene integration enables Shikimate pathway refactoring for enhanced 2-phenylethanol biosynthesis in Kluyveromyces marxianus. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 2021; 14:3.

2.Xuye Lang, Pamela B. Besada-Lombana, Mengwan Li, Nancy A. Da Silva and Ian Wheeldon. Developing a broad-range promoter set for metabolic engineering in the thermotolerant yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus. Metabolic Engineering Communications, 2020; 11.

3.Xuye Lang, Xiao Hong, Cetara A. Baker, Tamara C. Otto and Ian Wheeldon. Molecular binding scaffolds increase local substrate concentration enhancing the enzymatic hydrolysis of VX nerve agent. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2020; 117, 7. (Editor Choice)

4.Xuye lang, Lingling Zhu, Yingning Gao and Ian Wheeldon. Enhancing Enzyme Activity and Immobilization in Nanostructured Inorganic–Enzyme Complexes. Langmuir, 2017;33(36):9073-9080

5.Xuye Lang, Matthew Spousta, Yu Jer Hwang and Julia Lyubovitsky. Noninvasive imaging of embryonic stem cell cultures by multiphoton microscopy reveals the significance of collagen hydrogel preparation parameters. Analytical Methods. 2015; 8 280-294

6.Nicole I. zur Nieden, Cassandra C. Turgman, Xuye Lang, Jillian M. Larsen, Joseph Granelli, Yu-Jer Hwang and Julia G. Lyubovitsky. Fluorescent Hydrogels for Embryoid Body Formation and Osteogenic Differentiation of Embryonic Stem Cells. 2015; ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 7, 19, 10599–10605

7.Xuye Lang and Julia Lyubovitsky. Structural dependency of collagen fibers on ion types revealed by in situ second harmonic generation (SHG) imaging method. Analytical Methods. 2015; 7. 1680 (Cover paper)

8.Xuye Lang, Matthew J. Spousta and Julia Lyubovitsky. Detecting the collagen-based hydrogels degradation by multiphoton microscopy (MPM). 2015, SPIE Proceedings.

9.Xuye Lang and Julia G. Lyubovitsky. Second harmonic generation (SHG) and twophoton fluorescence (TPF) contrast imaging in biomaterial analysis. 2015, SPIE Proceedings

10.Yu-Jer Hwang, Xuye Lang, Joseph Granelli, Cassandra C. Turgman, Jackie Gigante and Julia G. Lyubovitsky. Collagen bioengineered systems: in situ advanced optical spatiotemporal analysis. 2014, SPIE Proceedings


1.       Xuye Lang, Yingning Gao and Ian Wheeldon. Quantifying Small Molecule Binding Interactions with DNA Nanostructures. Nanoscale Imaging. 2018. 145-155