李承喜 科创青年卓越人才
职务:分子智造所 PI
李承喜博士,浙江大学化学工程与生物工程学院“百人计划”研究员,浙江大学杭州国际科创中心青年卓越人才,博士生导师。2017年在中国科学院上海有机化学研究所(SIOC)获得博士学位,导师:汤文军研究员;2018年起,在美国麻省理工学院(MIT)进行两站博士后研究,合作导师分别为美国两院院士Stephen L. Buchwald教授和Bradley L. Pentelute教授;2021年入选国家级青年人才引进计划;2022年加入浙江大学和浙江大学杭州国际科创中心开展研究工作。曾获得中国科学院院长奖学金、中国科学院优秀毕业生、博士研究生国家奖学金等。目前已在国际著名期刊J. Am. Chem. Soc.; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.; Nat. Commun.等发表学术论文14篇,申请中国专利2项,授权1项。课题组主要研究以医药制造和研发为中心的多领域交叉科研,包括AI自动化合成;癌症治疗导向的多肽、核酸和蛋白质的精准修饰;医药精细化学品的绿色催化以及机器学习等。
催化有机合成方法学: 新型催化剂的设计合成和催化反应研究,医药精细化学品的绿色催化方法开发
1. Li, C.;† Zhang G.;† Mohapatra S.; Callahan A.; Loas A.; Gomez-Bombarelli R.; Pentelute, B. L.* Machine Learning Guides Peptide Nucleic Acid Flow Synthesis and Sequence Design. 2022, (submitted) ChemRxiv. preprint https://doi.org/10.26434/chemrxiv-2021-dr3mf.
2. Li, C.; Callahan, A. J.; Phadke, K. S.; Bellaire, B.; Farquhar, C. E.; Zhang, G.; Schissel, C. K.; Mijalis, A. J.; Hartrampf, N.; Loas, A.; Verhoeven, D. E.; Pentelute, B. L.* Automated flow synthesis of peptide-PNA Conjugates. ACS Cent. Sci. (IF = 14.6). 2022, 8, 205-213.
3. Zhang, G.;† Brown, J. S.;† Quartararo, A. J.; Li, C.; Tan, X.; Hanna, S.; Antilla, S.; Cowfer, A. E.; Loas, A. I.; Pentelute, B. L.* Rapid De Novo Discovery of High Affinity Noncanonical Binders for Human Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2. Chem. Comm. (IF = 6.2). 2022. 1, 8.
4. Li, C.;† Callahan, A. J.;† Simon, M. D.; Totaro, K. A.; Mijalis, A. J.; Phadke, K.-S.; Zhang, G.; Hartrampf, N.; Schissel, C. K.; Zhou, M.; Zong, H.; Hanson, G. J.; Loas, A.; Pohl, N. L. B.; Verhoeven, D. E.; Pentelute, B. L. Fully Automated Fast-flow Synthesis of Antisense Phosphorodiamidate Morpholino Oligomers. Nat. Commun. (IF = 14.9). 2021, 12, 4396.
5. Zhang, G.; Li, C.; Quartararo, A. J.; Loas, A. I.; Pentelute, B. L.* Automated Affinity Selection for Rapid Discovery of Peptide Binders. Chem. Sci. (IF = 9.8). 2021. 12, 10817.
6. Li, C.;† Ragab, S. S.;† Liu, G.; Tang, W.* Enantioselective Formation of Quaternary Carbon Stereocenters in Natural Product Synthesis: A Recent Update. Nat. Pro. Rep. (IF = 13.4). 2020, 37, 276-292. (Invited Review).
7. Li, C.; Liu, R. Y.; Jesikiewicz, L. T.; Yang, Y.; Liu, P.; Buchwald, S. L.* CuH-Catalyzed Enantioselective Ketone Allylation with 1,3-Dienes: Scope, Mechanism, and Applications. J. Am. Chem. Soc. (IF = 15.4). 2019, 141, 5062-5070.
8. Li, C.;† Shin, K.;† Liu, R. Y.; Buchwald, S. L.* Engaging Aldehydes in CuH-Catalyzed Reductive Coupling Reactions: Stereoselective Allylation with Unactivated 1,3-Diene Pronucleophiles. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (IF = 15.3).2019, 58, 17074-17080.
9. Li, C.;† Wan, F.;† Chen, Y.; Peng, H.; Tang, W.;* Yu, S.;* McWilliams, J. C.;* Mustakis, J.; Samp, L.; Maguire, R. J. Stereoelectronic Effects in Ligand Design: Enantioselective Rhodium-Catalyzed Hydrogenation of Aliphatic Cyclic Tetrasubstituted Enamides and Concise Synthesis of (R)-Tofacitinib. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (IF = 15.3). 2019, 58, 13573-13583.
10. Tian, D.;†Li, C.;† Gu, G.; Peng, H.; Zhang, X.; Tang, W.* Stereospecific Nucleophilic Substitution with Arylboronic Acids as Nucleophiles in the Presence of a CONH Group. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (IF = 15.3). 2018, 57, 7176-7180.
11. Li, C.; Zhang, Y.; Sun, Q.; Gu, T.; Peng, H.; Tang, W.* Transition-Metal-Free Stereospecific Cross-Coupling with Alkenylboronic Acids as Nucleophiles. J. Am. Chem. Soc. (IF = 15.4). 2016, 138. 10774-10777.
12. Li, C.; Chen, T.; Li, B.; Xiao, G.; Tang, W.* Efficient Synthesis of Sterically Hindered Arenes Bearing Acyclic Secondary Alkyl Groups by Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-couplings. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (IF = 15.3). 2015, 54, 3792-3796.
13. Li, C.; Chen, D.; Tang, W.* Addressing the Challenges in Suzuki–Miyaura Cross-Couplings by Ligand Design. Synlett., 2016, 27, 2183-2200. (Invited Review).
14. Li, C.; Xiao, G.; Zhao, Q.; Liu, H.; Wang, T.; Tang, W.* Sterically Demanding Aryl–alkyl Suzuki–Miyaura Coupling. Org. Chem. Front. (IF = 5.3). 2014, 1, 225.
15. Zhao, Q.; Li, C.; Senanayake, C. H.; Tang, W.* An Efficient Method for Sterically Demanding Suzuki-Miyaura Coupling Reactions. Chem. Eur. J. (IF = 5.2).2013, 19, 2261-2265.